Good article. You are totally correct.
I have seen and communicated with aliens for nearly two decades. We live in a world of energy and not matter. What I have seen will blow your mind. The aliens aren't just "out there" they are literally everywhere, and they are far more alien and advanced than you would easily believe.
For instance, I have seen beings in the multitude that exist in syncytial form. Its like a million microscopic bodies that are fused into one. They have no static physical form, as you would be familiar with. They look slightly like fungal mycelium, except that they are very technologically advanced and live on avenues of what appears to be light fibre. They are high energy and live in a timescale that is much faster than our own.
I have also communicated with larger singular entities. And, these beings are able to communicate in a parallel fashion where an entire chapter or two of a book is projected into your mind. Not sequentially, but simultaneously, like every word of a text being read at once.
Human beings have been lied to. Big time. And, do you know why? Because we live in a world of the "unjust steward."