Hey, nice article! I know we live in a simulation. I have seen it, and I have communicated with some of the beings involved, as well as with some of the beings that are only observing.
The Earth is like a factory farm... a crop circle. It is a fountain of youth and vitality for those that control it. It is a simulation, but the simulation can be thought of as more like a movie. An actor inside a movie will never be able to use the movie to understand the structure of the celluloid of the film itself. So, there will never be a "grid structure" to be found. However, there is evidence that supports the idea that we don't experience reality at the base level, or that our experiences are artificial. Some of the evidence is:
1) Delayed choice double slit experiment
2) Magician David Berglas, "any card any number" card trick. See Youtube.
3) decisions in the brain are made before a person consciously makes the decision.
4) the amount of air that is inhaled by a person is the exact amount needed for that person to speak a line of verbal dialog that that person has not yet formed in their mind. In other words, the lungs know what is about to be said even before the person does.
5) the information contained within a black hole, in theory, can only be proportional to its surface area and not its volume, whether or not black holes are real or not. This leads to a 2-dimensional mathematical structure to our 3D world
6) The background microwave radiation pattern of the universe also leads to a 2-dimensional mathematical picture of our 3D world.
7) if light is constant in velocity it should not red shift
Not all actors in our world are sentient. Mankind is being deceived because they are being exploited.
Don't trust your senses and don't trust your emotions, because they are not simply your senses or emotions. They come from exogenous sources and are highly manipulated and controlled. Mankind is like cattle trapped in a movie theatre living in a dream state, and they aren't aware of any of it. Though, they do get killed over and over again regardless, as you can see in the news for yourself.