Andrew Martin
Nov 22, 2023

Hi Avi, the world we live in is very much more advanced than you realize. The world is made of thought, and not physical objects. Your concrete thinking is making you not see the truth of your reality, and it also makes you exploitable. I have seen and communicated with the aliens you seek, many times, and they are mostly not friendly. Mankind has been lied to since it’s inception. The Earth is a crop circle. It is run by aliens. Humans are farmed. You would do well to loosen your perceptual framework to understand things better and to see the world as it is.
One day in the future you may ask me… “Well, if you knew, why didn’t you say something?” My answer will be… “I did say something. Over and over again, but you weren’t listening.”
Don’t be a block of wood.

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