Humans are not in control of this planet. Look around you. Stepford wives for as far as the eye can see. The plight of humanity is nothing near as bad as what’s occurring to animals. 100 billion are slaughtered every year. We live in a bad place. It has always been like that here, we were just too naive and unaware to notice it before. Trust me if this bad place gets it’s way, there will be an infinite number of versions of yourself saying exactly the same words at exactly the same moment of “their” lives. Watch the Truman show. Our lives are like that, and pre-recorded too. I could feel that something wasn’t quite right a long time ago. The overlords are haters. Remind you of anything? Examine the structure of matter, or at least the story we tell ourselves… there is a positive nucleus that’s surrounded by whizzing negative things. I think it describes the macro scale too. Just a thought.