I could explain it to you, but you won’t understand. Maybe I will try, though.
It has nothing to do with a virus. It has to do with a binding energy that clings to us, and binds us into a fusion reaction that creates sunlight. It is like the devil on a fishing expedition from the sun.
Did you google “bringer of light”?
I can see and feel this binding energy on my own skin and body. I’ve seen it now for more than 5 years. Stop immediately in your next thought that somehow I am crazy. I am telling you the truth. I’ve got nothing to lose.
Watch the movie “the matrix.” Listen to the part where they discuss how the machines have learned to use humans as batteries… along with A TYPE OF FUSION REACTION. What do you think that fusion reaction is? What does the sun do? What is a Corona? A Corona is a structure of the sun.
I am a former Neurosurgeon. I know things that you do not.