I have made contact with aliens for the last 20 years, or so. The aliens, of which there are many types, are extremely diverse and much more advanced than even you would easily believe. This might come as a bit of a shock, but we live in a world of energy and not physical matter. The more advanced aliens have a much more advanced relationship with consciousness. Also, technology can be created that somehow harnesses consciousness and many alien civilizations use that type of technology. The UAP’s that you are seeing are actually more like inter-dimensional craft. And, they have AI and robotics too, and all of it is much more advanced than what seems possible. Many human beings are not really sentient, as you would think they should, but are a form of robot too. Consciousness, I guess, is more like a spectrum. You can have more or less of it. There’s a good quote from the Lord of the Rings. It is Treebeard that is discussing how… “some Ents grow more treeish, while some trees grow more Entish.” Does that make sense? Maybe you are growing more Entish, and that’s why things are seeming too obvious or odd to you. Especially by the reaction of others, or lack there of, when you try to tell them about aliens.