I've been contacted by aliens many times, for over the last twenty years at least.
This is the difficulty that we face in our upbringing, as humans... we are never taught. We live in a world of energy, for instance, not a world of matter. The only real thing about our physical world is the experience we are having, and it is only just that... an experience. These aliens, or advanced beings or whatever you want to call them, can pierce this illusion that we are all collectively struggling under, using only their minds. No words are exchanged, just thought forms. You wouldn't believe just how advanced some of these beings are. They have the ability to transmit an entire chapter or book into your mind, in an instant without anything being spoken. We are all more powerful than we know, but maybe some of us are not ready to understand this.
I've seen things beyond even what can be described. At this point, I'm not even sure why people are seeing "black triangles," because the reality is of orders of magnitude stranger than that. I am not kidding you.