Andrew Martin
2 min read2 days ago


I've known something, for I don't know how long, that there is really only one thing that exists in this world and that thing is consciousness. If viewed as a space, or a place, it would be a single room that is dimensionless. The contents of the room is indistinguishable from the room itself. It can't be said that the room is large or small or smart or dumb, because all of it is subjective and none of it can be compared to anything other than itself. Though, from my perspective it all seems very large and very smart.

The room of consciousness eventually becomes partitioned due to the individuated drift of its components. Complexity emerges. What becomes apparent are the notions of difference, including pathologies, and the realization of good and evil.

The world is made of energy, and not physical matter. Real science is the manipulation of consciousness. The earth world is a construct of this real science.

It begs the questions, "why doesn't anyone know this?" "Why isn't this stuff taught to us?" Eventually you realize why.

If we lived in a world where truth was censored then we would communicate using stories. This is what we do already.

From a larger perspective, people are qubits. Do you remember in the book, "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" how the "Infinite Improbability" drive was created? Because it too hints at quantum computing, but with reference to using a really hot cup of tea. Lol. The earth world is self-referential, highly symbolic, and is like a recursive fractal mirror. In other words, the details and structure at one level describe the details and structure at other levels. Quantum computing is like that... an idea that relates to other ideas. Is it a real idea? Yes, but it has nothing to do with the devices google and IBM are making.

I just thought I would share these insights... to cheer your Sunday. It might also help with your new theories.



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