Andrew Martin
1 min readMay 27, 2023


Nicely written, though your view is incorrect. There is no way for you to know this at present, but our world is run by malevolence, not benevolence. Evil disguises itself as good.

Our Earth world is a computer generated shared network image. The physical reality that you are familiar with is the experience of physical reality, not actual physical reality.

Everything here on Earth is scripted and engineered, even our science experiments, as well as, diseases.

I can summarize the predicament we are facing using a single word… Agriculture. The Earth is a crop circle.

There is God, not Spinoza’s god, but actual God. However, at our current juncture the things that are “in charge” are not good. And, it has nothing to do with human beings being good or bad or making good or bad choices.

You can think of the structure of our classical ideas of matter being analogous to the structure that holds the Earth… a positive and neutral core being surrounded by negative entities.

This thing that I have just told you requires a huge shift in personal perspective, but eventually you will realize that it is the thing that is correct. The truth.

Go study the “delayed choice double slit experiment “ and compare it with the famous card trick called “Any card, any number” by David Berglas. Both are pre-recordings. You can find stuff on YouTube.



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