Member-only story
A: Perfection is undeniable.
B: Could you please describe it?
A: It is indefinable.
B: Could you please explain it?
A: It is always far and near and everywhere in-between, and I’ve seen a little piece of it somewhere that I’ve been.
B: Was that piece of perfect, perfect, though it was not whole?
A: Well, the part was perfect with its movements to and fro.
B: Was that something perfect because it moved that special way?
A: No. Movement was expression only, along the path it laid, to behold it in that instant meant already that it changed.
B: Is it physical? Is it natural? Is it animal, plant, or mineral?
A: Yes, it is natural, it is palpable, but is also metaphysical. It is something very close in hand, in head, in heart, and deed. I say this knowing something secret. Did you know it’s part of thee?
B: Part of you? Part of me? How on earth could that be? I am nothing special. I do hope you don’t agree.
A: The ordinary is the extraordinary. It’s the only thing there is! You and me are perfect, therefore, just way we is.