The action of thinking produces an energy that can be harnessed to perform other kinds of work. Also, the content of the thoughts produces something that is referred to as qualia... feelings: love, hate, fear, etc... tastes, smells and sensations in general. These energies can be stored, sorted and concentrated, too. I've experienced it.
It doesn't matter whether or not a person is generating this energy virtually, physically or just watching a movie.
Our world is virtual. The only real thing that exists here or anywhere, and the only commodity that there is... is the life force. It is that life force that is exploited to create the illusion of physically based life. Did you ever watch the star trek episode "Far Point Station"? It's similar to that.
By pre-recording living experience, the energies produced can be highly controlled and organized in a predictable fashion. Social engineering is also involved. Does this answer your question?