The main assumption that you have, which is blocking understanding, is that you believe you are surrounded by benevolence and that the “wheel of life” that you see in your “hallucinations” is good. But, what if it were not? Don’t immediately disagree with me.
Look more closely into the visuals of the hallucination, and you will see that they are created using technology that exists on light fibre. Nodes that are interconnected and navigate as a mesh network, which conduct and propagate energy between them. You can observe their mechanics as they subtend and coordinate in their local 3 dimensional environment. They actually have compass like reference visual indicators that are attached to them, that you can observe. What is weird, however, is that we don’t live in a 3 dimensional world. Thus, they are existing and using the same rule book at the same abstraction level that we exist in. These are not hallucinations that you are seeing, but something as “physically real” as we are.
We don’t have free will the way you think we do. We have the freedom of choice always between two bad choices. This is why the band “system of a down” chose their name.
The fundamental nature of our local world, ie: earth, is that of a crop circle. It is a product of advanced alien technology. The earth itself is synthetic. There is nothing that is “natural” here, except for the life. Everything here is by design. Humans are a product of social engineering.
When you start integrating what I have just told you, though I doubt very many people would be strong enough, you will start to see things differently and as they really are, as opposed to the fiction we were unwittingly born into.
If you want to know more I can help you.