Things become self evident the more they are examined. This requires work. The problem human beings are faced with is that they hold a false model of reality, and an unshakeable faith that the world surrounding them is good (i.e. not evil). So, in order to prove this to you, I would need to radically alter your perspective.
The best experiment that I have come across that establishes the false nature of our reality is the "Delayed Choice Double Slit Experiment." This experiment single handedly demolishes the default and naive concepts of space and time. Space and time are things quite different than what we imagine them to be. The space and time that we commonly know is like a movie, which is another way of calling it a pre-recording. I'll repeat that. Our reality is a pre-recording. The diseases that we suffer, the experiments that we perform, childbirth and everything else... is manufactured.
Furthermore, since the thing doing the manufacturing is evil, the burden of proof is pretty well meaningless. It's like telling a serial killer that trespassing is illegal.
There is a good book called, "Beyond Biocentrism." You can get it on Audible, and just listen.