This planet is part of a highly industrialized automated factory farm, where human beings are bred and raised in a controlled process of social engineering. The product and end goal, of the farm, are aliquots of consciousness (ie: people) that are conveniently packaged for easy handling. Human beings are the consumable.
Also, the action of thinking produces a kind of useable energy that can be harnessed to perform other kinds of work. This energy in its multitude of "flavours" can be stored, concentrated, and transmitted like electricity. Entire civilizations exist based on the energy output from our world (and many others like it). In fact, there are many simultaneous Earths being re-created in overlapped fashion just in our one planet system. There are many such systems.
Our world is controlled by malevolence.
Did the "wisdom" of the "geniuses of the east" tell you any of this information yet? Human beings are in serious trouble.