Tolle simply doesn’t have enough knowledge of the world. There’s much more going on than he’s aware of. As a result, his words are largely empty. However, not everything he says is wrong. There is an aspect of the self that is just the observer, and is also non-reactionary. That observer aspect exists in a state of permanent comfort, as do other aspects of the self. There isn’t one way to exist, but many, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages.
The reason you describe Tolle as a snake-oil salesman, is because he is. He’s a spiritual entertainer. He knows nothing of truth, and seems to have difficulty even finding happiness under ideal conditions. He’s too busy becoming successful, to learn. If he knew an inkling of what I know, he wouldn’t be writing what he’s writing. His writing is demonstrable evidence of his own un-enlightenment. For instance, did you know that humans are not the top of the food chain? Did you also know that the Earth is really a shared network virtual experience? Also, our world is a product of advanced technology, non-human technology, and is an industrial grow-op. This world was not created by God. Our world operates like a player piano, where repeatable social engineering takes place.
There is an energy output from our world, due to the action of thinking, and this energy powers entire advanced civilizations. I’ve seen it.
There are many different intelligent species that exist beyond what we believe to be our home. Also, we live in a world of energy rather than a world of physical matter. Just FYI.