You are completely correct. I came to the same conclusions. I came to the realization one day that I had been born into a world where all the animals eat one another, childbirth is painful and traumatic for the mother (and newborn), disease is the norm and not the exception, and we are constantly at war with one another… in a place that is dying from climate change. I then ask myself, what kind of a place is this? Is this a good place or a bad place? I mean forget the selfish false promise of attaining nirvana when there is so much violence in the world. Should we even be allowed to abandon ship in this manner?
We always get blamed for our desires, too, as it is claimed those desires are the cause of all our problems. This is nonsense. I have come to learn that my “desires” largely come from external sources. Yes, plural, not from one source such as God. We human beings have been manipulated, and are then blamed for that manipulation.
I have also come to learn that the mask of kindness can simply be deception and/or ignorance.
Go look at the site:
… really look at the numbers. Then, try to convince yourself that we don’t live in a factory.
By the way, did you know that 100 billion animals are killed for human use each year?
I write all this to you because I am practicing mindfulness.