You are quite correct. I have discovered that you can’t teach anybody anything with respect to metaphysics. People are so blinded by the world of appearances that they don’t even know that they are being exploited, let alone why. So, because people cannot be communicated with directly, the only solution seems to be, what I call, learning through osmosis. There is a sharing of life energy between beings that are in proximity to one another. Even if the small individual doesn’t understand what has been learned by another, their larger over-soul will. I have learned things that are very difficult to learn, but the truth of this learning will be very obvious to the higher forms of life. My action plan is this… to integrate other life forms combined to my own that share the same basic values, but with diversity of being. In other words, actively sharing the living experience with other more advanced and less advanced beings. This establishes a kind of multidimensional living fabric with experience that is shared… where divergences of alignment can be brought to a common ground. And, the whole living experience becomes richer for all. This is something I have been actively working on. Life shouldn’t just be about survival, it needs to be fully lived for the benefit of life itself. When one learns about some of the negative things in life it is too easy to become over-whelmed, and to see negativity everywhere. However, one can just say fuck it, and decide to be positive anyway. I recognized the influences that you speak about many years ago, when I realized that my writing was coming from sources more intelligent than myself. I have subsequently learned to “see” and “read” in the manner that the mystics throughout our history have described. It is not for everyone, though, because some of the truths are difficult to accept, and a person needs to be strong enough to be burdened with such knowledge .
To summarize: My idea is one of integration and inclusion of other life forms, within and beyond this world, so that the benefit to the whole is more than the sum of its parts. I actually have a personal mission statement. And, I think an individual that wants to succeed in the metaphysical domain needs to develop a strong alignment and commitment towards life first.
I hope this gives you some personal ideas on a way forward. Good luck and thanks for the great article!